With our partners MapSoft, SmartCodeHouse and Quiddita, we are able to create and deliver tailored-fit cutting-edge software with modern design and all required functionalities to fulfil your needs. Here is the list of our newest products:

Public Transport Demand Analysis Tool – PTD is a specialized tool for ridership survey – passenger counting. This software includes various reports and output in different data formats (csv, xlsx, pdf, etc.) suitable for further use. Reports of the transport demand characteristics (boardings, alightings, volume etc.) are presented on different levels: for transport system, per operator, per transport line, per stop and stations, etc.

TraPer – Transport Performance Indicators is a web-based application and database for the analysis of Key Performance Indicators – KPIs in transport companies. Software is used in the largest public transport company in Balkan region – GSP “Beograd”.

For the Republic of Serbia – Traffic Safety Agency we have developed several tailored-fit software solutions. One of these is the software for the management of certified inspectors on technical inspection of motor vehicles.

The other software solution for the Republic of Serbia – Traffic Safety Agency is the application software intended for the process of registration, documentation processing and communication with professional drivers. This is an essential tool for the implementation of Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) for professional drivers in Serbia.

For the Republic of Serbia – Traffic Safety Agency we have developed several more tailored-fit software solutions:

  1. Software package for upgrading and optimization of vehicle testing and vehicle control application and databases used in the Traffic Safety Agency.
  2. Software package for upgrading and optimization of applications for a database of technical characteristics of new motor and auxiliary/towed vehicles.
  3. Software package for upgrading and optimization of Traffic Safety Agency information system intended for tachograph workshops.